New businesses- from idea stage to funding
Does starting a business seems daunting to you?
Do you have a great business idea but feel lost or do not know how to turn it into a business proposition?
Do you need help with setting up the businesses, company registration, domain registration, website creation, setting up of social media channels all donaffordable cost?
Do you need funding for your business but do know how to get the necessary documentation ready for funding
I will first offer a free exploratory meeting to understand your requirements, whether you are still at an idea stage or planning to fund your business.
Advise regarding bank, insurance and accountancy services
Help to understand cash flow and financial management.
Help get you funding for up to £25000 with a government-backed scheme.
I help you with whatever stage of your business you are in, as early as the idea stage
I understand the fears, uncertainty, confusion of an Entrepreneur as I have been there myself
I will break down the over-whelm into a manageable and logical sequence of actions.
You will get your company formation, branding website setup & social media channels all done for you at an affordable cost
Help with business strategy & marketing strategy and financial management from a management consultant with over 20 years of experience.
If seeking funding is your goal -as long as you fulfil your credit check and are a viable business, I can handhold you through the funding process
A Business advisor with Transmit Startups a government-backed scheme