Are you a Law Firm?

Are you a law firm trying to cope with the ever-growing amount of data, going through a massive database of precedents and coming with relevant analogues?
Are you a law firm and your e-discovery budget eating up your resources?
Does the regulatory changes in AML, GDPR, KYC cause additional accountability and increased costs
Are you spending a lot of time on the phone to your clients about progress and cost?
Do your clerical staff spend hours on correcting errors and incorrect data entry?
Is your customer onboarding process cumbersome and time consuming?
Speed the high volume repetitive tasks and save costs at the same time?
Make the life of your paralegal easier by automating tasks such as finding an example of past cases similar to new ones?
Stay ahead of the competition by having a strategic advantage over your customers?
Do you want to increase your employee engagement and increase your customer experience?
Do you want to reduce the cost of errors & complaints due to errors & defects in documents?
ASSESS your current state and advise on improvement areas to reach your target.
ADVICE on business operations and process improvements using a combination of automation using RPA & lean six sigma & other operational efficiency tools.
IMPLEMENT the recommended strategy with your workforce or my flexible workforce.
POST IMPLEMENTATION I ensure you sustain the improvement effort.​
You will receive a minimum 1:10 ROI within 12 months following client engagement.
Guaranteed at least 10% cost saving on smaller assignments.
I support clients to implement the recommendation.
We start with a proof of concept (POC) and only progress only if it is successful.
My fee structure is 25% fixed and 75% performance based.
You receive over 20 years of experience at a senior management level delivering 10 x ROI, multi-million-pound cost savings and substantial cultural transformations from FTSE100 to smaller Retailers & Manufacturers